
Wyoming Hunters Reminded to Submit Harvest Surveys

CHEYENNE – The Wyoming Game and Fish Department wants to know how your Wyoming hunt went this year. Many hunters have received a harvest survey via e-mail or the U.S. Postal Service. The survey gathers harvest information and feedback on the 2023 hunting season. It takes only a few minutes to complete and contributes valuable data for monitoring the state’s wildlife populations, setting future quotas, season dates and other regulations.

Because of the large volume of antelope, deer and elk license holders, a random sampling of those licensed hunters are surveyed. Not all license holders of those species will receive a harvest survey.
However, nearly all license holders for moose, bighorn sheep, mountain goat, black bear, mountain lion, gray wolf, wild turkey, furbearer, sandhill crane, small game, upland game, migratory game bird, light goose conservation order and sage-grouse are included in the survey process throughout the year as each season closes.

Hunters who complete their antelope, deer or elk harvest surveys by the deadline will be entered in a drawing to win one of several gift cards or prizes donated by outdoor retailers and organizations.

Deadlines to submit harvest surveys for your chance to win a prize:

  • Antelope: Jan 4, 2024
  • Deer: Jan 25, 2024
  • Elk: Feb 5, 2024

Harvest surveys are being conducted by the Wyoming Survey & Analysis Center (WYSAC) at the University of Wyoming on behalf of Game and Fish. Your responses are confidential.
Hunters who have questions about the surveys can contact the WYSAC survey team directly at 1-866-966-2715 or email For questions related to hunting regulations or license applications, call Game and Fish at 307-777-4600.


(Breanna Ball, Public Information Officer – (