
USSOCOM’s Wishlist of Advancement of Technologies Focuses on Hyper Enabled Operator

USSOCOM has updated the Broad Agency Announcement for the exquisite capabilities it is interested in.

To set the stage for why SOF needs new capabilities they’ve explained the world they operate in.

SOF operations will occur across all domains to include space and cyber and will be in the forefront of the United States efforts confronting an emerging reality where our opponent possesses potential for overmatching capabilities. The new “normal” for SOF will be to operate in communication contested environments, under threat of targeting by high?end military capabilities, including Weapons of Mass Destruction, and where ubiquitous surveillance is routine, and information is weaponized. The FOE is a world of “Convergence”: the point where the gap between non?state and state actor capabilities diminishes and the threat to force and mission success increases significantly.

The macro focus of SOF’s capability portfolio continues to remain on effect in all domains: terrestrial, maritime, air, space, human and cyber.

Ultimately, that means the human, individually or in small units. This reflects the first SOF Truth, “Humans are more important than hardware.” However, they are applying an unwritten corollary which seeks to find the technologies which make the human operator more effective. For example, mobility systems to get the operator where he needs to be, or surveillance systems to offer a more complete understanding of the operational environment.

Consequently, SOCOM Science & Technology refers in this document to the Hyper Enabled Operator (HEO) who is empowered by technologies and information systems that accelerate tactical decision making by increasing situational awareness, reducing cognitive workload, and simplifying mission? appropriate information sharing. Much of what they desire will be considered disruptive

S&T seeks white papers in the areas of Next Generation Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance Networking and Data Management, Human Interface, Next Generation Effects, and Next Generation Mobility and Signature Management to build the HEO.

This BAA will sub-divide each technology focus area into two parts (disruptive technologies and SOF enhancements). This list is long and detailed and worth a look.

It’s important to note that this is a long-term process. Unless amended, this opportunity will remain as an open?ended announcement from the date of posting through 31 December 2025. White papers may be submitted at any time during this 5?year period subject to the submission process.

Due to SOCOM’s interest in unique capabilities and their smaller size compared to the military services, this is a great way for small companies to get a toehold into DoD and offer some great new capabilities to the pointy end of the spear.

The BAA with the list of technologies and how to submit is located at