The Gamut Challenge is a 2-day event consisting of over 20 miles of running or rucking, incorporating 16 different shooting scenarios with a variety of shooting positions. Within these events you will have to navigate through obstacles, shoot from moving vehicles, shoot and move with both carbine and pistol, perform one man CQB (Close Quarter Battle), and engage multiple targets.
The event takes place November 11-12 at the Range Werx range facility in Fort Meade, FL.
Prerequisite: A solid understanding of firearms safety, weapons handling and operation. Upper body strength and the ability to walk and run long distance with at least 40 pounds on your back.
Event schedule: Show time is 6:30 am with a start time at 8:00 am and ending when last man is done for the day.
Individual equipment you will need to bring:
- Carbine with 6 magazines and sling
- Optical sight for carbine (optional, but highly recommended)
- Pistol with 6 magazines and holster (holster must have retention)
- Belt and chest rig or plate carrier (kit)
- Magazine pouches (pistol and rifle)
- Ruck sack with 35 pounds
- Knee and elbow pads (optional)
- Tactical pants or range pants (no shorts)
- Hat/Gloves
- Weapon cleaning kit (with oil for carbine)
- Eye and ear protection
- Water/food
- Sun screen
- Rain gear
- Boots or shoes
Ammo requirements (Student Furnished): 400 rounds of rifle, and 300 rounds of pistol ammunition per person.
Event includes: Two days of getting smoked, a shirt, and BBQ dinner on the last day.
The cost is $275, which includes all range fees.
The Gamut Challenge was created by Bob Keller, Founder and CEO of Gamut Resolutions, home of Ready-Up Training. Bob retired as a Master Sergeant in 2020 with over 20 years of experience in U.S. Army special operations. He started his career in 1st Ranger Battalion in Savannah, Georgia. He then went through Special Forces selection and served in the 20th Special Forces Group, where he was deployed to Iraq in support of the global war on terror. After being in Special Forces, Bob was chosen to go to a more elite place. He was selected to be a part of the U.S. Army Special Mission Unit (SMU), where he spent more than 10 years in the most elite special operations unit in the world. He has over 1,000 real-world direct-action hits where he hunted down high value targets and conducted hostage rescue operations. These hits resulted in hundreds of engagements from which he draws all of his gunfighting experience. He has been to Ranger school, Q course (SF qualification), Special Mission Unit Selection/Training, High Altitude Low Opening (HALO) school (jump master in both HALO and static line), scuba school, airborne school, multiple driving schools, and Operator Training Course (OTC).
To sign up, visit: