
Stipek FAS Ramp Riprap Project Decision Notice

Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks (FWP) is proposing to make improvements at the Stipek Fishing Access Site in Dawson County, Montana. This will include adding 100 cubic yards of riprap material for bank stabilization adjacent to the concrete boat ramp. High flow events in the spring of 2022 eroded areas next to the boat ramp. Work is planned to start in early 2024 when water levels are low and be completed later that year. This project will help protect the boat ramp and keep it open to the public.

A Draft EA Checklist was recently issued and made available for public comment. Based on the environmental review provided in the Draft EA, and in accordance with all applicable laws, rules, regulations, and policies, FWP determined the proposed action (Alternative 2), as modified, will not have significant adverse impacts on the human environment associated with the proposed action and constitutes a reasonable and appropriate strategy to achieve identified objectives. Therefore, preparation of an EIS is unnecessary, and a Decision Notice (DN) has been issued.

With this DN, FWP hereby adopts the Final EA, with modifications, and approves the proposed action. A summary of major conclusions and supporting information from the Draft EA stating where such conclusions and information were changed from those which appeared in the Draft EA is included above in FWP’s response to public comment and is clearly identified within the Final EA.


Stipek FAS Boat Ramp Rip Rap Project Decision Notice

Stipek FAS Boat Ramp Rip Rap Project Checklist EA – Final