SHELTON, Conn — The Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers’ Institute®, Inc., (SAAMI®), is pleased to announce the release of the 2023 update to American National Standard SAAMI Z299.5-2023, Voluntary Industry Performance Standards Criteria for Evaluation of New Firearms Designs Under Conditions of Abusive Mishandling for the Use of Commercial Manufacturers.
SAAMI is an accredited standards developer recognized by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).
The 2023 American National Standard SAAMI Z299.5-2023 update details test procedures that will aid the designer and manufacturer in evaluating the performance of new designs of firearms under certain conditions of abusive mishandling.
The publication of these standards is a primary part of SAAMI’s mission to establish and maintain standards to ensure safety, reliability and interchangeability of firearms, ammunition, and components.
SAAMI American National Standards are periodically updated to ensure they remain current with developments in the industry and to capture new cartridge designs introduced by its member companies.
Following development by SAAMI member companies, the standard is reviewed by independent manufacturers, government agencies, testing laboratories, users, and outside experts.
The 2023 standard update, along with four ammunition standards published by SAAMI, are available without charge to the public on SAAMI’s website here