
Pass It On! Partners with the IHEA-USA

Pass It On! Partners with the IHEA-USA

Lolo, MT—The IHEA-USA announced today that it is excited to announce a partnership with its platform, which offers educational content for Pass It On! Mentors. was developed by the IHEA-USA as an educational platform, which serves many purposes. It offers hunter and outdoor educators modern training for the classroom with curriculum developed by subject matter experts. These mentors and trainers can then opt in to train and mentor new adult hunters in their area. Learnhunting also connects adult student hunters to mentors in their area so that they can experience a successful first-time hunting experience.

Brittany French, CEO of Pass it On! commented, “We are eager to partner with! They have done an incredibly thorough job at creating a user-friendly platform for outdoorsmen and women to volunteer in the outdoors. I am thankful that our volunteer mentors will be able to access educational content from their platform and our youth hunters can pursue additional mentorship through their platform after graduating from our program!”

“ was created to help both new hunters and mentors to progress in their skills. We are delighted to partner with Pass It On! Outdoor Mentors to provide their volunteers with educational content that will help them progress their knowledge and skills as educators on,” added Jae Ellison, Director of Education for the IHEA-USA. currently offers 10 educational courses helping outdoor educators with everything from teaching Hunter and Trapper Education to Field First Aid, Mentoring, and more. New educational courses will be introduced regularly for Mentors and students.

To learn more about becoming a mentor or a mentee, head over to the platform today.

About the IHEA-USA: The International Hunter Education Association – USA (IHEA-USA) is the professional hunter education association affiliated with the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service hunter education programs. These programs employ 55,000 instructors, many of whom are volunteers, teaching hunting and shooting safety and responsibilities throughout the United States.

About Pass It On – Outdoor Mentors: Pass It On Outdoor Mentors has a mission is to inspire and empower the next generation by fostering a love for the outdoors through hunting and fishing, providing youth with valuable mentorship while promoting conservation ethics for a sustainable future. We work to create memorable experiences that instill lifelong skills, respect for nature, and a deep appreciation for our natural resources.