
Pass It On - Outdoor Mentors, Inc. Thanks Board Chair Ryan Bronson For Service

Pass It On – Outdoor Mentors, Inc. Thanks Board Chair Ryan Bronson For Service

Pass It On – Outdoor Mentors, Inc. Board Chairman Ryan Bronson announced his resignation from the Board of Directors after 13 years. Ryan Bronson has been part of the Pass It On – Outdoor Mentors Board of Directors since 2010 and has been an active board chair since 2015. Ryan has done an excellent job at leading and guiding our mission through a tremendous growth period.

Brittany French CEO of Pass It On – Outdoor Mentors said “Working under the leadership of Ryan Bronson has been inspiring and encouraging. Ryan has tremendous expertise in the outdoor industry and has done an exceptional job at challenging our team and leading us through many years of growth! I am deeply thankful to both know Ryan and for his time on our board.”

“Ryan has been a great asset to Pass It On – Outdoor Mentors over the years. He has always been available to offer advice and assistance whenever it was needed,” offered Mike Christensen, President and Founder. “It is safe to say that this organization wouldn’t be where it is today without the leadership that Ryan has provided over the years.”

For more information about Pass It On – Outdoor Mentors, please visit