
New SAF TV Ad Raises Alarm about Biden’s Gun Grab Agenda

New SAF TV Ad Raises Alarm about Biden’s Gun Grab Agenda

The Second Amendment Foundation has just announced a new national TV advertisement raising public awareness about President Joe Biden’s gun grabbing agenda, while educating the public about past Democrat promises which have now been reneged.

“While Democrats including Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have promised time and time again that no one is coming after your guns,” said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb, “Joe Biden’s candid remarks during a CNN Town Hall broadcast put the lie to all of those earlier claims.”

The new 60-second message highlights Biden’s own remarks regarding his crusade to outlaw the sale of modern semiautomatic rifles and 9mm pistols, the two most popular firearms in the United States. Such guns are owned by tens of millions of law-abiding gun owners. Gottlieb noted this is the 17th different national TV spot SAF has run as part of our legacy of liberty. SAF has run more national television advertising than any other group defending Second Amendment rights.

“Pushing for a ban on the sale of whole classes of firearms would eventually lead to confiscation efforts,” Gottlieb posited, “and Democrats know it. They have been working on this piecemeal for years, and only Joe Biden’s admission brought this controversy into the spotlight. His personal acknowledgment makes it impossible for his White House spinmeisters to do anything about it. This is one time the Biden team cannot walk back his words.”

SAF’s new 60-second message will appear on the following networks: Fox News, Fox Biz, CNN, MSNBC, HLN, Weather Channel, CNBC, Bloomberg, BBC America, World Fishing, History Channel, TBN, AHC, Outdoor Channel, Game Show, RFD, OANN, Direct TV and DISH TV, as well as others.

The SAF ad tells viewers to call (800) 241-4882 and join the fight to prevent Biden’s gun grabbing agenda.

“Joe Biden’s gun control efforts will definitely become an issue during the presidential campaign,” Gottlieb predicted. “If America’s gun owners ever needed a wake-up call, they need one now, and our effort is unabashedly aimed at ringing the alarm bell.”

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The Second Amendment Foundation ( is the nation’s oldest and largest tax-exempt education, research, publishing and legal action group focusing on the Constitutional right and heritage to privately own and possess firearms. Founded in 1974, SAF has grown to more than 720,000 members and supporters and conducts many programs designed to better inform the public about the consequences of gun control.