Our next Ladies Fly Fishing 101 Classroom clinic will be held on Saturday, April 6 from 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. at the Albuquerque Game and Fish Office.
This class is open to women interested in learning the basics of fly fishing. This session will focus on fly-fishing equipment selection, knot tying, selecting lures/flies, reading the water for best catching results, the skills to hook, land and release a fish, what you need before you go, and much more!?
There is no cost and this is a BYOL (bring your own lunch) event.
Volunteers from the Bosque Chapter of Trout Unlimited will offer this class and no equipment is required.?Please note that this class is now a prerequisite to participate in the Ladies Casting Clinic.
Space is limited to 24. To register, you will need to have a Customer Identification Number (CIN) account with the Department if you don’t already have one. To create a customer account please click here. You can register by clicking here.