
Kayak Launch to Be Built at Danish Alps SRA

Construction of a kayak launch will begin April 9 at Danish Alps State Recreation Area near Hubbard.

The joint project between the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission and the Papio-Missouri River Natural Resources District is expected to ease congestion at the main boat ramp.

The facility will include:

  • a shore launch made of river rock;
  • a floating kayak launch dock, expected to be installed in June;
  • a turnaround area for users to unload and load their paddle craft; and
  • Americans with Disabilities Act-compliant parking stalls and sidewalks accessing the kayak launch dock; the stalls also will provide closer parking to the boat ramp and dock.

Riprap protection will be added to the adjacent shorelines to protect from erosion.

Substantial completion of the project is expected by May 27. The adjacent boat ramp may undergo temporary closures during construction.

This project is made possible through a Sport Fish Restoration grant and funding from the Papio-Missouri River NRD. Questions can be directed to