
#GivingTuesday: Military Aid Societies Ready for Round

Military Aid Societies are poised to embark on their second annual fundraising battle, setting the stage for the #Battle4BraggingRights, where they will vie for supremacy in contributions.

WASHINGTON (November 20, 2023) – On November 28th, the combined forces of Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society (NMCRS)Air Force Aid Society (AFAS)Army Emergency Relief (AER), and Coast Guard Mutual Assistance (CGMA) have announced their intent to engage in the #Battle4BraggingRights for the second consecutive year on #GivingTuesday. The mission remains the same: secure essential funds to provide service members and their families with vital emergency relief, financial support and educational resources.

“Amidst the #GivingTuesday philanthropic spirit, we are challenging ourselves to add an exhilarating twist – a friendly competition among Military Aid Societies – to amplify the excitement of giving,” said U.S. Marine Corps Lieutenant General Robert R. Ruark, NMCRS’s President and CEO.

The #Battle4BraggingRights will unfold across social media platforms on #GivingTuesday, November 28, 2023. Supporters are encouraged to visit, where they can allocate their contributions to one of the four Military Aid Societies. At the close, a victor will emerge.

“While the rivalry adds some flavor, the true winners remain our service members, veterans and their families,” said Kristina McBride, AFAS’s acting CEO. “Every contribution for #Battle4BraggingRights enables the continuation of vital programs and services for military personnel and veterans worldwide.”

Within the organizations’ circles, good-natured banter permeates, as staff and volunteers gear up for the friendly competition.

“In sparking inter-service competition, we’re firing up our supporters to achieve remarkable success during #Battle4BraggingRights,” said U.S. Coast Guard Rear Admiral Cari Thomas, CEO of CGMA. “We have full confidence that our loyal advocates will rally to make this endeavor triumphant.”

Lockheed Martin, a global security and aerospace company, has extended a generous proposal to match every gift made during #Battle4BraggingRights on #GivingTuesday, up to a sum of $1 million. This substantial matching pledge guarantees that donations to these transformative Military Aid Societies will yield double the impact for military members, veterans and their families.

“Our shared commitment to aiding our armed forces and their families underscores the significance of this gesture,” said U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Raymond Mason, Director of AER. “Thanks to Lockheed Martin’s generous support, donors who give during #Battle4BraggingRights will have their impact and contribution and impact doubled.”

Commencing in 2012 as a Global Day of Giving, #GivingTuesday has galvanized countless individuals to rally behind their cherished causes. To make a donation, and have it doubled for your favorite Military Aid Society, be sure to visit this #GivingTuesday on November 28th, 2023.