
Florida: Pro-Gun Bills Advance In The House

This week, multiple pro-gun bills passed out of subcommittees in the Florida House.

House Bill 1223 amends Florida’s minimum age requirement for purchasing or acquiring firearms from licensed dealers from 21 to 18. The House Criminal Justice Subcommittee voted 11-5 to advance the bill. Since 2018, we have been in litigation against the state, challenging Florida’s ban on transferring firearms to young adults.

House Bill 17 amends the mandatory waiting period for all firearm purchases made from licensed dealers to expire three days after the purchase. The House Criminal Justice Subcommittee voted 11-5 to advance the bill.

House Bill 1615 repeals automatic prohibitions that violate Floridians’ Second Amendment rights during a public disorder state of local emergency. The following acts are automatic prohibitions that this bill would repeal:

  • the intentional possession of a firearm in public
  • the sale of any ammunition or firearms
  • the intentional display of ammunition or firearms in a store.

The House Civil Justice Subcommittee voted 14-3 to advance the bill.

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