
DNS Alpha Shows Solidarity with GORE-TEX Products “Proudly Made in Ukraine”

Rather than being deterred by challenges, DNS Alpha has maintained its production sites for many of its GORE-TEX products in Ukraine. This strategic move serves not only economic interests but also aims to provide support to the people and the country. Every GORE-TEX product made in Ukraine now proudly bears the label “Proudly Made in Ukraine”.

More Than Just a Patch

The design of the patch is also noteworthy, which the Ukrainian producer consciously chose: “In the colors blue and yellow, it represents the borders of Ukraine as they existed before the occupation,” explains Tim Vetter, Managing Director of DNS Alpha. Beyond indicating origin, the patch also symbolizes Ukraine’s enduring integrity and sovereignty amidst current challenges.

Solidarity in Action

“By manufacturing our GORE-TEX products in Ukraine, we are sending a clear message of solidarity. We are proud to have successfully kept production in Ukraine, as it was important for us to show support in this way,” adds Tim Vetter. “In a time when actions speak louder than words, we at DNS Alpha are making a clear statement with our approach.”