
Chuck Adams Breaks Two World Records

Chuck Adams Breaks Two World Records

July 25th, 2023 – Pope and Young, America’s leading bowhunting conservation organization, is excited to announce that Chuck Adams has set two new world records, both Sitka Blacktail in velvet categories. Pope and Young announced thirteen new world records at their 33rd Biennial Convention in April of this year.

Chuck Adams broke the record with his Typical Sitka Blacktail in the Velvet category with his giant 5×5 buck he shot in 2021 scoring an incredible 109 7/8”. The buck was shot on Kodiak Island, Alaska on August 12, 2021, and with the score being verified by a special panel of measurers, it is now recognized as the new world record.

“Amazingly, the very first deer I saw on my 2021 Alaskan bow hunt was a giant 5×5,” stated Chuck Adams. “I had been hiking for an hour and spotted big antlers above a ridge. I told myself it might be the largest Sitka rack I had ever seen. After a long crawl, I shot the buck from 36 yards. This is the best scoring typical blacktail I have ever taken during 18 trips to Kodiak, and a Pope and Young World Record!”

Chuck also topped the charts with the giant Non-Typical Sitka Blacktail that he shot in velvet on August 22nd, 2022, also on Kodiak Island. Adams shot this buck, scoring an incredible 117 7/8” after 26 long days on Kodiak Island. Adams’ non-typical Sitka Blacktail was confirmed at the February 2023 Pope and Young Panel Verification in Reno, Nevada.

“After 26 do-it-yourself days on Kodiak, I spotted a huge non-typical Sitka buck” stated Adams. “I circled to get the wind right and crawled between tundra humps until the bedded buck’s oddball antlers appeared. Finally, the giant 5×7 stood up and presented a 33-yard shot. This is by far the largest Sitka I have ever seen, and I consider it the single best animal I have ever taken with a bow.”

“Chuck is no stranger to our membership and the archery world and has set the benchmark many times in many Pope and Young trophy categories,” stated Pope and Young Director of Records, Tim Rozewski. “I don’t know another person that puts in as much effort as this man to achieve his hunting goals. Both world record bucks have an incredible story, and the success is a credit to his tenacity and drive. He believes in the mission of Pope and Young and supports it with all his heart. The Typical Sitka Blacktail in Velvet surpasses the previous world record by just 6/8 of an inch, while his Non-typical Sitka Blacktail in Velvet is 28 2/8 inches larger than the previous world record.”

The P&Y is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation founded in 1961 by Glenn St. Charles and headquartered in Chatfield, Minnesota. The Pope and Young Club is North America’s leading bowhunting conservation organization. If you are a fair chase, ethical bowhunter, and you care about preserving the culture and future of bowhunting, then you belong to the Pope and Young Club. Join today at