
Celebrating 30 Years of Excellence ATN Corp Marks Milestone Anniversary

ATN Corp, a trailblazer in the field of day, night, and thermal electro optics technology, is proudly marking its 30th year of excellence. In a world where precision and innovation define the forefront of technology, ATN Corp is proud to remain the pioneering force in the realm of Tech Optics. What began as a start-up venture in Redwood City, California, in a burned-out bank building has evolved into the preeminent Tech Optics company, leading the charge in revolutionizing the industry.

With just a single phone line and a modest advertisement in Shotgun News, ATN embarked on its journey, importing and distributing night vision devices through the convenience of mail order. From these humble beginnings, ATN has undergone a remarkable evolution, transitioning from importer to designer and manufacturer of cutting-edge day/night and thermal units. The company’s roots in the Bay Area initially provided a fertile ground for growth, tapping into a rich pool of technical talent that helped propel ATN’s products into the digital age. As electro optics technology evolved into sophisticated computer systems, ATN thrived in the dynamic environment of Silicon Valley.

In 2019, ATN made a strategic decision to relocate its operations to Doral, Florida, seeking a more conducive business environment and a cultural synergy with the Sunshine State. This move heralded the establishment of a sprawling assembly production line and warehouse, cementing ATN’s position as a leader in the world of digital smart scopes, night vision units, and thermal imaging devices.

The founders of ATN embody the diverse blend of backgrounds and expertise that have fueled the company’s success:

Marc Vayn, a native of San Francisco, California, draws upon his upbringing in the heart of the tech capital, infusing ATN with a deep understanding of innovation and technological advancement.

James Munn, hailing from the hunting grounds of Vermont and a proud veteran of the US Army, brings a wealth of experience and a passion for outdoor pursuits, guiding ATN with a keen focus on meeting the needs of outdoor enthusiasts and professionals alike.

“We are thrilled to commemorate this 30 year anniversary of innovation, growth, and unwavering dedication to excellence,” said James Munn, CEO at ATN Corp. “Our journey has been marked by a relentless pursuit of technological advancement and a steadfast commitment to meeting the evolving needs of our customers. And what I find so absolutely thrilling is that after 30 successful years in this business, we know we’ve only just scratched the surface of what we can do.”

As ATN celebrates three decades of achievement, it remains committed to pushing the boundaries of possibility, developing cutting-edge solutions that redefine the way we see the world. Looking ahead, ATN continues to chart a course of innovation, ensuring its position at the forefront of the industry for years to come.

For more information about this update and ATN Corp’s extensive range of products, please visit For questions or to purchase products, please contact For press or media inquiries, please contact Brittany Maki at