
Celebrate March Day with Georgia Wildlife Federation

Annual Event Brings Together Volunteers to Help Remove Invasive Species from Wetland

The Georgia Wildlife Federation is hosting its annual Earth Day Event at Mill Creek Nature Center on Saturday, April 20th, from 9am – 11am in Buford.

Each year, volunteers work to remove Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense) from the wetland. Chinese privet is a highly invasive shrub that was introduced in Georgia as a landscaping plant back in the mid-1850s. Free from natural environmental controls such as parasites and predatory insects, the plant easily out competes native plants for space and nutrients and can quickly become the dominant shrub in an area. It is especially common along streambanks such as those in the Mill Creek wetland. On Earth Day, volunteers focus on key areas in the wetland and remove privet by hand, helping to keep the plant at bay and giving native species a better chance to thrive.

Interested volunteers should dress in long pants and close-toed shoes and bring gloves and a gardening tool(s) such as pruning shears, small pruning saws, loppers, or clippers. In addition, bring items to keep you comfortable such as water, insect repellent, sunscreen, hats, etc. Sign in at 9am in the gravel parking lot on Mall of Georgia Blvd at the intersection of Nature Center Parkway. GWF volunteers and staff will be on-hand to provide direction and take you take a specific worksite on the property.

This is a rain or shine event. Park across the street from the registration area in the Mall of Georgia parking lot. (Please do not park in front of the small businesses adjacent to the registration area.) For more details, visit