NEW HAVEN, Mo. – ALPS OutdoorZ, the premiere manufacturer of extreme-duty hunting packs and outdoor gear, solves another challenge for hunters and outdoor recreationists with the introduction of the new Talon ambidextrous holster.
Hunters and adventurists have long suffered the problem of how to carry a defensive handgun in conjunction with a backpack, daypack, or even a fanny pack. Traditional solutions to this problem have tended to be bulky, uncomfortable, and poorly integrated into the pack system. The new Talon holster suffers no such issues.
The Talon’s universal and ambidextrous mounting design is capable of numerous mounting options with the included hardware. It accommodates a wide range of pistols and revolvers, from compact to full-size. Suitable for use with backpacks, daypacks, fanny packs, chest packs, and even bino pouches, the Talon includes pass-through strap slots and a polymer MOLLE clip for use with MOLLE up to 4.25 inches wide. With the Talon system, the holster can be secured to pack waist belts, sternum straps, or any number of strap and webbing configurations, so you always have your sidearm conveniently and comfortably within easy reach.
Doing away with the traditional hook-and-loop strap system that can be unreliable, the Talon utilizes a quick-release magnetic strap system that can be set up for ambidextrous thumb or finger release. This magnetic strap arrangement locks into place and can be customized to deliver solid, “slop-free,” and confident carrying of the handgun while in the holster.
The Talon weighs 5 oz. and measures 7x5x1.5 inches to fit most full-size pistols. The holster is available in Coyote Brown or Stone Gray.
For more information about the new Talon ambidextrous holster system or other innovative products from ALPS OutdoorZ, visit
About ALPS Brands:
Beginning in 1993 with the establishment of ALPS Mountaineering, ALPS Brands is a continuously growing and expanding group of companies dedicated to developing and manufacturing high-quality, performance-driven outdoor products. Currently making up the ALPS Brands family of companies are ALPS Mountaineering, ALPS OutdoorZ, Cedar Ridge, Browning Camping, and Hunting Blinds. ALPS OutdoorZ—the hunting gear moniker for ALPS Brands—made its mark several years ago by offering packs purposefully designed for remote wilderness hunting. Today, ALPS OutdoorZ products cover everything from day and expedition packs to waterfowl blinds, turkey hunting vests, furniture, gun cases, and sleeping bags. ALPS OutdoorZ items are sold and distributed in the best camping, backpacking and outdoor dealers throughout the entire US and Canada. For more information, please visit www.
Media Contact:
Taylor Woodruff