
The Pistolero PistoLaser: Best Laser Practice Shooting System for Handgun Users

The Pistolero PistoLaser is a laser practice shooting system intended to hone your shooting skills, shooting at a target repeatedly to develop your muscle memory. You use your own gun in your own home or club or anywhere you can practice.

The PistoLaser fits into the muzzle of your gun and shoots out a red laser light triggered by a trigger switch that attaches to your finger or to the trigger. You can shoot at a stationary or moving target from any distance and shoot as often as you want without regard for the cost of ammo. You’ll be able to see exactly where you’re hitting your targets and adjust accordingly.

The PistoLaser is very easy to use, requires no ammo, computer, or phone, and you will never have to click the gun or rack the slide. All you do is put one of the five PistoLaser color-coded caliber inserts (22, 9m/357, 40, 44, 45 calibers) into your gun, take aim, and touch the trigger! Even a limited amount of practice will help you shoot accurately. When you get to the range or need to respond to an emergency, your practice will pay off.

The Target Shooter can practice strength training and repetitions while observing the results of the shot. Both the Tactical and Instinct Shooter can develop their skills by firing from a variety of positions and always seeing the impact point of the laser-aimed shot. This is the perfect way to train police recruits or military shooters in the skills required to react quickly and accurately during times of high stress and may mean the difference between life and death.

The Pistolero PistoLaser can be used with the LaserPro Moving Target Project for moving target practice (the Pistolero Motion Shooter). Another option is the 3-Gun Champion which includes the PistoLaser with the 5 caliber inserts, the LaserShooter with 4 gauges (12, 20, 28 and 410) for shotgunners, and 223 and 308 inserts for rifle users.

For more info, view the company website:; or contact Robert Louis Company, Inc., 203-270-1400 or