
Move Over Jiffy Pop, Solo Stove Release a Popcorn Maker

Move Over Jiffy Pop, Solo Stove Release a Popcorn Maker

To balance out the sweetness of s’mores, Solo Stove has a salty new accessory. They’ve released a Popcorn Maker for another fun and delicious fireside activity.

Retailing for $49.99, the Solo Stove Popcorn Maker uses 304 stainless steel for durability and for even heat distribution. It has a hinged lid with some venting to hold in the right amount of heat. Turn the Popcorn Maker on its side and the lid will open, allowing an easy pour into a bowl.

The handle on the unit is removeable so that it becomes more compact for storage and for easy washing. The handle also has a polypropylene plastic for stability while fending off heat.

The Popcorn Maker works with regular white or yellow popcorn kernels. An oil with a high smoke point works best, so Canola, Avocado, and Coconut oils are all good. If you’re after that kettle corn flavor like at a fair, toss in some sugar and make sure to keep shaking it to keep from burning.

The Popcorn Maker has a 3 quart capacity and weighs in at just under 3 lbs. It’s 34 inches long with the handle.