
AspectAvy Strives to Save Lives From Avalanches with Mobile App for Backcountry Skiers

AspectAvy, a mobile app that represents a completely new gear category for backcountry skiers, is now live for downloads in the Apple app store. AspectAvy is a preventive avalanche safety tool that when used alongside the proper avalanche safety training, simplifies the decision-making process and helps backcountry users understand and lower their risk of getting caught in an avalanche.

“In building AspectAvy, we looked at data no one had before,” said Jeff Banks, Certified IFMGA guide and Co-Founder of AspectAvy. “We analyzed it completely differently, and came to radically different conclusions about how to keep skiers safe in avalanche terrain. Like most of us who travel in the backcountry, I have lost numerous friends and colleagues to avalanches, and it is clear that the current avalanche safety options just aren’t cutting it. We are excited to share AspectAvy with the backcountry community, with a mission of saving lives.”

AspectAvy combines dynamically changing slope angle shading with the daily avalanche forecast, and on-site, on-mountain user input, revealing avalanche terrain for users in real-time. Featuring LiDAR maps with slope angle shading at three meter resolution independent of signal strength. AspectAvy is intuitive and easy to use, making it appropriate for all levels of backcountry skiers and riders.

From trailhead safety checks to drop-in decision making, in-app video coaching leads users through the process seamlessly. Plenty of apps get skiers into the backcountry, AspectAvy is designed to get skiers home safely.


  • Available in the Apple App Store
  • Cost $49.99 annually (first month is free), $400.00 lifetime subscription (includes 4 one-year buddy subscriptions)
  • Employs high-definition LiDAR (Laser) precision mapping to accurately show slope angle and risk level
  • Rock-solid, fast-loading maps allow users to verify the forecast with on-site conditions that update the safety rating in real time – even in airplane mode
  • Proprietary algorithm derived from past avalanche accident data identifies low-risk, skiable terrain with new scary-moderate rating

To download AspectAvy today, visit your Apple app store. For more information on AspectAvy, visit and

About AspectAvy:

At AspectAvy, our mission is to save lives from avalanches. We want to provide a tool that can be used alongside the proper avalanche safety training that simplifies the on-mountain decision making process and helps backcountry users understand and lower their avalanche risk. We should all be able to confidently navigate avalanche terrain, have fun, and come home safely. Follow us @AspectAvy.